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Friday, October 23, 2015

Old and New...ish.

I had the opportunity this past week to visit a local museum. There were saddles in the basement! There wasn't much lighting, and the only camera I had was my cellphone, but I tried to get what reference photos I could. This saddle was small, but it had a really deep seat. The stirrups were missing. It didn't have any info on it, but it did have a rifle case.

There was also a tree...

And several sidesaddles from the 1800s!

I may go back sometime and take my real camera.
The other thing that I did is visit an antique store. There was some tack there, too. Mostly stuff that was beyond hope of repair. I found a white mechanical hackamore that looked pretty gnarly, and a presentation halter with silver. But what I took home was a humble-looking dirty leather halter.
 Which turned into a nice, clean, fairly decent and barely-used-looking leather halter!
Overall, it was a pretty good day!


  1. Oh that's so cool! Hey, I've nominated you for the Libester award. Check out my blog for all the info.

    1. Ah thank you! I am honored! I got lost reading through your blog and ran out of time...but I will at least try to answer the questions xD
